Temple Beth El's Yoga Minyan

07/22/2018 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM ET


  • Free


Temple Beth El
400 Deering Avenue
Portland, ME 04102
United States of America


Six session punch card - $36 Members • $54 non-Members $10/session drop-in rate TBE’s yoga minyan offers a moment of peace meant to nurture your heart, soul, and body through a centering, grounding yoga practice taught by Danika Kuhl. Danika has been teaching Kripalu yoga for the past 15 years. Her classes reflect her resonance with the lineage of compassion starting with one’s self. The class opens with some words of Jewish philosophy, followed by stretching, gentle movement, and breathing. Please bring comfortable clothes and a yoga mat. Open to all, no prior experience necessary.


Contact Daniel with any questions at office@tbemaine.org or 207-774-2649