Family Oula Fitness with Karli Efron

11/17/2019 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM ET


  • $10.00  -  JCA member family
  • $12.00  -  General public - family admission


Jewish Community Alliance of Southern Maine
1342 Congress St.
Portland, ME 04102
United States of America


Family Oula with Karli Efron
Sundays, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, Jan. 12.
10:15 – 11:00 AM

JCA - 1342 Congress St., Portland
$10/family for JCA members; $12/family for general public
Advance registration required before noon on the preceding Thursday at or call (207) 772-1959

PLEASE REGISTER ONCE PER FAMILY and list the adult as the attendee. 
Oula is a high-energy, easy to learn, crazy-fun dance workout to top 40 hits! Family Oula provides age appropriate music and moves for you and your child to enjoy together. Classes are 45 minutes of joy, inspiration, and togetherness. Music and moves are geared toward families with children ages five and under. If your child is older than five and you would like to attend, please contact us to determine whether the class is appropriate for your child.